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National Careers Service

The National Career Service reached out to Learn by Design in 2018 to manage, deliver and help market 4 community-based career events.


The National Careers Service is a government funded service offered to UK residents. Offering careers information, advice, and guidance. Supporting people to make decisions on learning, training, and work at all stages of a person’s career journey.

The National Career Service reached out to Learn by Design in 2018 to manage, deliver and help market 4 community-based career events to 1 employed and unemployed people in Birmingham, Coventry, Wolverhampton, and Worcester.


Learn by Design developed a marketing strategy that engaged each target area of the community with each event reflecting the local job market. Exhibitor stands from employers and local training providers were recruited for each event and these highlighted apprenticeship opportunities for adults including higher apprenticeships where applicable. Data capture formed part of the registration process for the National Careers Service to reach out, post event to offer individuals a more tailored support package of advice.

Social media, online promotions and event communications provided a fully branded event and maximised the advice and show talks on offer, in each region. Learn by Design managed and delivered the events from inception to evaluation results.


The National Careers Service provides high quality, free and impartial careers advice, information, and guidance. Our service is available to anyone aged 13+ no matter what stage of the careers journey you’re at. Learn by Design are proud to raise the profile of the service and embed the work into local communities.

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