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Toyota Manufacturing UK

As a world-famous automotive manufacturer, Toyota Motor Manufacturing (UK) reached out to Learn by Design to collaborate with secondary schools, within the key stage three phase of their learning journey


As a world-famous automotive manufacturer, Toyota Motor Manufacturing (UK) reached out to Learn by Design to collaborate with secondary schools, within the key stage three phase of their learning journey. They wanted a STEM programme that would inspire young people about the exciting opportunities that exist within the industry, with particular focus on careers within engineering.


Learn by Design Education Communication team visited a Toyota Manufacturing site to gain an insight into their products, factory, production methods and company ethos. The research enabled the team to design curriculum content that aimed to inspire young people in the principles of STEM learning and highlight future careers and innovation. The programme was written and designed to provide a real-world insight into engineering in its broadest terms whilst introducing the exciting opportunities UK manufacturing can offer them.


The programme is now embedded into Toyota Manufacturing educational arm of the business and is committed to funding these educational experiences year on year. Adding social value to the business and insightful career advice to young people

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In 2016, we began our educational journey with Learn by Design, our aim being to inspire and excite young people to enjoy and investigate the possibilities of STEM subjects via future study and then potentially long-term careers. By supporting young people, we are inspiring our future workforce whilst filling the engineering and manufacturing pipeline for local businesses. Our partnership is built upon excellent communication, trust, respect, and mutual understanding of how our businesses operate.

Mandy-Jayne Evans - Senior Specialist - Young People Education – Technical Skills Human Resources Division - Toyota Manufacturing UK Ltd

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