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The Big Bang STEAM into Higher Education Fair 2018

Updated: Jan 8, 2019

The Big Bang STEAM into Higher Education at Harper Adams University.

Headlined this year as “The Big Bang STEAM into Higher Education”, the event for the second year running, brought career inspiration to over 750 young people in Telford and Wrekin, Shropshire and the wider West Midlands counties. #TBBSTEAMintoHE

The Host

Hosted by Harper Adams University and funded by Higher Horizons – the National Collaborative Outreach Partnership the core subjects of S.T.E.A.M (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) highlighted the wealth of hands-on activities and interactive experiences the Big Bang Fair provides to it’s audience. The event brought together 16 schools and saw over 40 exhibitors sharing their expertise and career insights.

Funded by:

Interactive Experiences

The hub of agricultural learning, Harper Adams University, is at the centre of innovation and prides itself on showcasing the latest methods of farming. The national winner of Future manufacturing awards, V Farm, attended the event, bringing its vertical farming solution. The revolutionary farming method is just one example of innovation and shows how V Farm are utilising underused urban spaces for farming.

Harper Adams University, set on 635-hectare farm, are the leading specialist university tackling the future development of the planet’s food production. Providing workshops throughout the day, activities included wildlife sessions, honeybee anatomy and dissection. The Engineering Building played host to a workshop titled “Biologically Inspired Robotics” It looked at how simple insect-like behaviours can create robots that “appear” to think and act like real animals.

Encouraging young people to be curious

Interactive quiz’s introduced young people to think about climate change and their human carbon footprint. Renewable energy challenged young people to discuss issues surrounding electricity. Is using electricity more efficient than fuel? From coding, star gazing, forensics and thrill-seeking roller-coaster design, the whole Big Bang experience has once again brought science, technology, engineering, arts and maths to young people in the region.

Social Media Posts


Huge thanks go out to everyone involved with making these inspiring STEAM events happen.


View images from the day here.


Experience The Big Bang Fairs

The Big Bang experience is brought to hundreds of schools across the UK every year. If you would like to find out more get in touch with The Big Bang Team: or 01827 316 297

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