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How to Survive Results Day

Worried about results day? Don’t worry, you’re not alone – whether it's for Uni, A-Levels or GCSE’s. In fact, it’s sometimes scarier than the exams themselves! We’ve been there ourselves and have lived to tell the tale, so we’ve come up with a few tips to help you survive results day.

1. Make it a group outing, don’t go alone.

No matter the outcome, you’ll want someone there to go through this experience with. Although it’s your individual experience, your friends are going through the same thing, so go as a group. Have each other’s back. Perhaps bring along the family as well – even if they are slightly embarrassing!

2. Talk about how you feel.

The last thing you want to do is bottle up your emotions, even if you do feel a little bit silly! The bottom line is your feelings are valid and your personal way of coping with the situation. Whether you’re super excited and can’t stop thinking about the future or you’re super nervous and are terrified that it’s all going to go wrong. Talking it out with your friends and family will help you release that extra stress you’re feeling and perhaps allow you to see the positives rather than the negatives of the situation. If the outcome isn’t what you hoped for, it doesn’t mean you can’t reach your dream career or University. It just means you may need to take a little detour (perhaps the scenic route).

3. Get some sleep – or rest if sleep isn’t an option!

It’s super common to lose sleep over GCSE’s, A-Levels and Uni results. Make sure you get as much sleep as possible otherwise your emotions may get the better of you. You know what it’s like when you’ve barely slept and there’s an exam the next day, it’s like your nerves have had 10 cans of Red Bull. Turn off the lights, listen to some soothing music and picture yourself on holiday to distract your mind. Even give yoga or meditation a try before bed, this is always a great way to relax the mind and body!

4. Take back control with a plan.

Plan your day – and your future. Having a plan for the day means you’ll wake up feeling more in control and with set objectives, rather than just winging it. Same goes for the future. Plan for the best-case scenario and for the not so good. Pick your top Uni’s, colleges, potentially job choices and then also look at other options if your results don’t quite reach the mark. There’s plenty of opportunities for further education, gap years or perhaps looking into apprenticeships (we highly rate).

5. Remember, your results don’t define you or your skills.

We all have bad days and there may be a couple of exams you’re not feeling too confident about. That doesn’t mean you’re any less smart or successful, it just means you’ve had a bad day! Guess what, your results don’t define you. Everyone has a different journey into the world of work. It may be the case that you’re much better at practical tests than written (there’s lots of us out there!). This is where you’ll thrive in a workplace, just start looking for internships and apprenticeships that will allow you to go into your desired career a bit differently than you first thought.

There are many routes into the world of work. Don’t settle for what everyone else is doing, pave your own path.

6. Celebrate – it’s a big day, so make it count.

Finally, no matter what the outcome is, celebrate the hard work you’ve put in. Have that party, have that meal, hang out with your mates, you’re going to be just fine.

This has been an incredibly difficult year for learning. Covid-19 really put a spanner in the works so be proud of what you have achieved! Celebrate the little wins and remember that you’ve done your best. Your response is the most important thing, so put one foot in front of the other and make your own future. Believe in yourself. You’ve got this!

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