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Earth Discovery

About the Workshop

A full day workshop that can be split into two parts: Earth Discovery and Survival Stations. Sessions include interactive challenges led by our education communicators.

Your learners can experience the wonders of our planet through hands-on, interactive activities. Learners ‘travel’ to different parts of the world and discover various cultures and geographical features as they complete challenges and develop their transferable skills.


By the end of this activity students will have discovered a range of cultures and geographical features as they complete challenges based in 15 different locations across the globe. By taking part in this workshop they will develop teamwork, problem solving, speaking, listening, aiming high and creativity skills. Learners will also recognise the future opportunities available to them around the world.


Earth Discovery

15 team challenges based in different locations across the globe that develop participants hard and soft skills. Learners work in small teams to visit a ‘location’, follow the instructions, and complete a variety of tasks including coding robots, using grid references, researching deep sea creatures, and making critical decisions. As learners complete the tasks they use their skills, learn about that location, and tick it off on their team map.

Survival Stations

Having learnt about the wonders of the planet, learners will have a chance to design and build a structure specific for one of those areas, considering the landscape, weather, and any other dangers. Learners will have a chance to present their structure to the class and explain their design.

These acitivities go well with:

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Student Learning


Gatsby benchmarks - Linking curriculum learning to careers (4).

The workshop supports your learner’s development of their essential skills.

Raising aspirations.

Curriculum Enrichment:

  • Geography – Developing knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments.

  • Maths – Use the fundamentals of mathematics to solve a variety of problems.

  • Languages – Understand and compare written words in different languages.

  • Design and Technology - Develop specifications to inform the design of innovative, functional, appealing products that respond to needs in a variety of situations. Test, evaluate and refine their ideas and products against a specification, taking into account the views of intended users and other interested groups. Understand developments in design and technology, its impact on individuals, society and the environment, and the responsibilities of designers, engineers and technologists.

  • English – Following instructions, speaking, listening, sharing ideas and presenting

  • Computing – Can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems.

  • PSHE– Develop skills for future success.

Logistics and Planning

Logistics and Planning:

  • The session is designed for around 30 learners.

  • Earth Discovery requires a hall or large classroom.

  • Survival Stations requires a classroom space with a projector and power.

  • We ask that a teacher is always present throughout the activities, to support learner engagement and manage behaviour.

We have been delivering employability and skills based workshops for over 7 years and within our team we have education communications from a range of backgrounds.

We can also use our links with STEM ambassadors to reach out to local ambassadors to support the day and help raise aspirations by providing an insight into the world of work.

“I really enjoyed the workshop! I had fun but I also learned new skills, languages, and worked with different people” 

– year 7 student

“Great session; really engaging with good use of different activities” 

– class teacher at Landau Forte College

100% of teachers agreed 

that Earth Discovery raises learner’s aspirations and positively impacts future life skills.

Earth Discovery

Workshops can be booked on their own and delivered on rotation throughout the day or delivered as part of a series of workshops,

where classes rotate between multiple activities.


Approximately 30 learners

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Keystage 2 and 3

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Full day

Interested in booking?

Click the button below to fill in the workshop form and we'll be in touch soon

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B79 7XE

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