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About the Workshop

In this session learners take part in a range of offline coding challenges. 

  • The session beings with an introduction to what computer code is and how Ada Lovelace developed the code for Charles Babbage’s Analytical Machine.

  • Students then take part in a ‘Simon says’ style game that introduces the ideas of conditional branching. 

  • The session then moves on to how to create a complex program instruction need to be broken down and learners must use the concepts of decomposition to complete an origami challenge.

  • Finally, learners will look at how important it is to spot and edit errors through a team debugging challenge.

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Student Learning

Curriculum Links:

  • Design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals, including controlling or simulating physical systems; solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts

  • Use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and to detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs

Skills Builder Framework:

  • Listening 

  • Problem Solving

  • Teamwork 

  • Aiming High

Learner Outcomes:

  • Learn about why coding is important in our lives. 

  • Understand the concept of conditional branching, decomposition and debugging. 

  • Take part in a series of coding challenges.

Logistics and Planning

Room requirements:

  • Large classroom

  • Projector and screen

Human Coding

Workshops can be booked on their own and delivered on rotation throughout the day or delivered as part of a series of workshops,

where classes rotate between multiple activities.


Groups of approximately 30 learners

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Keystage 2 and 3

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30-60 minutes

Interested in booking?

Click the button below to fill in the workshop form and we'll be in touch soon

Learn by Design
Learn by Design STEM Workshops for Primary and Secondary Schools Footer Branding

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49 Kepler

Lichfield Road Industrial Estate



United Kingdom

B79 7XE

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