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About the Workshop

Get your learners considering how they can positively address the climate crisis through this interactive session focussed on energy and power. 

The wind turbine challenge develops students’ teamwork and creativity skills through the design and construction of their blades for a miniature wind turbine. 

This provides first-hand insight in to the mechanics of wind technology, whilst facilitating discussion around climate and renewables, as well as building teamwork, problem solving and determination skills. 

Students then test their wind turbines efficiency using a fan and visual voltmeter to measure electricity output, and following the engineering design cycle of ‘design, test, improve’.

We can also use our links with STEM ambassadors to reach out to local ambassadors to support the day and help raise aspirations by providing an insight into the world of work.

This can be part of a Power Your World session to give a half day offering. 

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Student Learning

Gatsby Benchmark 4 - Linking curriculum learning to careers

Learning Outcomes:

  • Develop transferable skills that are important for a future career in STEM.

  • Learn more about engineering innovations.

  • Successfully plan and build a wind turbine.

  • Complete the career hunt challenges that explore engineering around the world.

  • Understand the importance of renewable energy.

Curriculum links:

  • Maths – Use the fundamentals of mathematics to solve problems.

  • Design and Technology - Understand developments in design and technology. Build and apply a repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make high-quality prototypes and products for a wide range of users.

  • Science – Identify the effects of air resistance – wind turbine activity.

  • English – Following instructions, speaking, listening, sharing ideas and presenting.

  • PSHE– Develop skills for future success.

Skills Builder Framework Links:

  • Listening 

  • Problem solving 

  • Creativity 

  • Staying positive 

  • Teamwork 

  • Aiming high 

  • Leadership

Logistics and Planning

Logistics and Planning:

  • This session is designed for 30 learners, but larger groups may be accommodated upon request.

  • The session requires a classroom with a projector.

  • We ask that a teacher is always present throughout the activities, to support learner engagement and manage behaviour.

Wind Turbines

Workshops can be booked on their own and delivered on rotation throughout the day or delivered as part of a series of workshops,

where classes rotate between multiple activities.


Groups of approximately 30 learners

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Upper Keystage 2

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45 - 60 minutes

Interested in booking?

Click the button below to fill in the workshop form and we'll be in touch soon

Learn by Design
Learn by Design STEM Workshops for Primary and Secondary Schools Footer Branding

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49 Kepler

Lichfield Road Industrial Estate



United Kingdom

B79 7XE

By Design Group Logo - Educational Constultant
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