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Enterprise Day

About the Workshop

Throughout the day learners will rotate around 5 or 6 different workshops relating to enterprise and business management, led by our team of education communicators. There are 6workshops that are designed to work with this age group and the workshop day is particularly popular with year 10.

These engaging workshops get learners to take part in interactive activities. They include:


  • An interactive game that develops knowledge of finance and investment (Money Maker)

  • A creative challenge focused on advertisement and marketing of a new product (Sales and Marketing)

  • A session focussed on the skills needed to spot and plan business opportunity and to  the importance of build a team run the organisation  (Business Planning)

  • Though a series of sports challenges learners discover the importance of SMART targets in business (Target Setting)

  • Students understand the importance of budgeting, along with fixed and variable costs as they plan their business trip (Budget Buster).

  • Learners compete in teams in this interactive quiz that links to all other sessions in the day as well as touching on different areas of the Business Studies GCSE curriculum (Who wants to be an entrepreneur?)


By the end of these activities students will:

  • Understand how their skills and learning in school relates to real world careers and challenges. 

  • Develop teamwork, problem solving, speaking, listening, creativity, and aiming high skills. 

  • Recognise that enterprise and business careers and skills are for everyone.  


Money Maker

  • Short introduction to what finance is, and how investments work.

  • Students then participate in teams to invest in opportunities of differing risk levels in a practical activity.

  • Focus is made on finance related definitions before a discussion around careers relating to business finance.

Sales and Marketing

  • An introduction to marketing and advertisement. 

  • Discussion around the 4 P’s of marketing and analysis of a variety of adverts.

  • In teams learners are challenged to prepare an advertisement campaign for a novel drink product considering the 4 P’s of marketing.

  • The adverts are presented to the class in a ‘Dragons Den’ style pitch. 

Business Planning

  • Learners are introduced to the basics of business planning including the Business Model Canvas.

  • Learners consider the Unique Selling Points of a variety of companies.

  • Learners develop an understanding of SWOT analysis before completing one for themselves.

  • Emphasis is made recognising the core transferable skills for success, applicable to the planning of anything from small-scale parties to million-pound business ventures.

  • The session ends with a prioritisation challenge around planning for a school prom. 

Target Setting

  • Learners discuss the reasons behind setting a target before setting targets of their own for each of the different pieces of sports testing equipment, based on information given to them. 

  • Learners then rotate through the activities and complete a worksheet to support them in analysing their own performance. 

  • Sprint through timing gates 

  • Ball kick in radar inflatable goal 

  • Reaction time on a batak board 

  • Look at the power they can generate by using a rowing machine

  • Part way through the session learners are encouraged to ask for advice from their peers about how they could improve, this is linked to business mentorship.

  • Session finishes with a review of what they have learnt, covering the targets they set, if they were successful and how SMART targets are a useful tool in business.

Budget Buster:

  • Learners discuss what a budget it is and the different between a good and bad budget. 

  • Learners consider the importance of fixed and variable costs in their budget.

  • Learners plan a budget for a business trip to Australia and then must determine if their budget has enough to allow for the unexpected costs. 

  • The session end by highlighting the importance of budget in work and personal lives and jobs linked to accounting. 

Who wants to be an entrepreneur?

  • Introduction to the session and how to use the Qwizdom handsets in pairs. 

  • Teams score points based on their correct questions and how quickly they answer. 

  • The competitive and interactive quiz includes questions around finance, enterprise and careers.

  • The quiz links to all sessions within the Enterprise Day as well as developing knowledge based on Business Studies curriculum links. 

  • If time, the session also begins with a group exercise around net worth, where celebrities and business people are discussed and voted higher or lower by the class.

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Student Learning

Gatsby benchmarks:

Linking curriculum learning to careers (4)

Curriculum enrichment

Money Maker

  • Develop as enterprising individuals with the ability to think commercially and creatively to demonstrate business acumen and draw on evidence to make informed business decisions and solve business problems.

  • The purpose of the finance function, its role within business and how it influences business activity, including:

  • What different sources of business finance are available and their suitability for new and established businesses. 

  • The concept of revenue, costs, profit and loss, including break even and gross and net profit ratios. 

  • The importance of cash to a business, the difference between cash and profit, and cash-flow forecasting. 

  • The use of financial information in understanding business performance and making business decisions.

Sales and Marketing

  • Know and understand business concepts, business terminology, business objectives, the integrated nature of business activity and the impact of business on individuals and wider society.

  • The purpose of marketing, its role within business and how it influences business activity, including:

  • The marketing mix and the importance of each of the four elements – price, product, promotion and place – and how they work together. 

  • How the marketing mix is used to inform and implement business decisions.

Business Planning

  • Develop as effective and independent students, and as critical and reflective thinkers with enquiring minds.

  • The purpose of planning business activity, including the role and importance of a business plan.

  • Business aims and objectives, how and why they differ between businesses, and how and why they change as businesses evolve.

  • Develop problem solving and decision making skills relevant to business. 

  • Investigate, analyse and evaluate business opportunities and issues.

Target Setting:

  • Develop as effective and independent students, and as critical and reflective thinkers with enquiring minds.

  • Business aims and objectives, how and why they differ between businesses, and how and why they change as businesses evolve.

Budget Buster:

  • The purpose of the finance function, its role within business and how it influences business activity.

  • The concept of revenue, costs, profit and loss, including break even and gross and net profit ratios.

  • The purpose of planning business activity.

  • How different business contexts affect business decisions.

Who wants to be an entrepreneur?

  • Know and understand business concepts, business terminology, business objectives, the integrated nature of business activity and the impact of business on individuals and wider society.

  • What different sources of business finance are available and their suitability for new and established businesses. 

  • The purpose of planning business activity, including the role and importance of a business plan.

  • Business stakeholders, including owners, employees and customers; their different objectives, how they are affected by business activity and how they affect business.

  • The concept of revenue, costs, profit and loss, including break even and gross and net profit ratios.

Logistics and Planning

Logistics and Planning:

All sessions are designed for around 30 learners. Some activities can be run with larger groups if requested.

We ask that a teacher is always present throughout the activities, to support learner engagement and manage behaviour.

Enterprise Day

Workshops can be booked on their own and delivered on rotation throughout the day or delivered as part of a series of workshops,

where classes rotate between multiple activities.


Group size of 150 learners

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Keystage 3 & 4

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Full day - 5 workshops

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